
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)

mb_strcutGet part of string


string mb_strcut ( string $str , int $start [, int $length [, string $encoding ]] )

mb_strcut() extracts a substring from a string similarly to mb_substr(), but operates on bytes instead of characters. If the cut position happens to be between two bytes of a multi-byte character, the cut is performed starting from the first byte of that character. This is also the difference to the substr() function, which would simply cut the string between the bytes and thus result in a malformed byte sequence.

Список параметров


The string being cut.


Starting position in bytes.


Length in bytes.


Параметр encoding представляет собой символьную кодировку. Если он опущен, вместо него будет использовано значение внутренней кодировки.

Возвращаемые значения

mb_strcut() returns the portion of str specified by the start and length parameters.

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Участник рейтинга Тэглайн 2010