The IntlDateFormatter class(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PECL intl >= 1.0.0) ВведениеDate Formatter is a concrete class that enables locale-dependent formatting/parsing of dates using pattern strings and/or canned patterns. This class represents the ICU date formatting functionality. It allows users to display dates in a localized format or to parse strings into PHP date values using pattern strings and/or canned patterns. Class synopsis
/* Методы */
( string $locale
, int $datetype
, int $timetype
[, string $timezone
[, int $calendar
[, string $pattern
]]] )
IntlDateFormatter create
( string $locale
, int $datetype
, int $timetype
[, string $timezone
[, int $calendar
[, string $pattern
]]] )
}Предопределенные константыThese constants are used to specify different formats in the constructor for DateType and TimeType.
The following int constants are used to specify the calendar. These calendars are all based directly on the Gregorian calendar. Non-Gregorian calendars need to be specified in locale. Examples might include locale="hi@calendar=BUDDHIST". Содержание
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